Gatsby vs Next.js in 2021

By Jamees Bedford - 2021-01-22


A high level look at two of the leading React frameworks - Next.js and Gatsby - and what their strengths and weaknesses are and which is the better choice in 2021.


  • - What, Why and When?
  • In fact, I stated in the last article that if you had a smaller website it made sense to use Gatsby (SSG) and if you had a larger scale application with lots of content go for Next (SSR).
  • GraphQL in that case, is almost like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer (in my own humble opinion).
  • Thats all good :) That wouldn't be possible in Gatsby, so taking scalability into consideration when starting a project and going with the more flexible solution makes a lot of sense if there is any chance the project could scale.



  1. Frontend (0.27)
  2. Management (0.18)
  3. Backend (0.14)

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