What’s in a word?

By Medium - 2020-12-28


Why tf-idf sometimes fails to accurately capture word importance, and what we can use instead


  • Getting Started What’s in a word?
  • As I mentioned above, this is a simple yet powerful tool, and gives generally good estimates of which words define documents in a corpus.
  • To see this in action, consider the same setup from above, this time with apple making up 10% of words in document A.
  • If apple did not appear at all in document B, the tf-idf value would be relatively high.
  • However, as we can see in the table, the tf-idf value is actually zero, suggesting the word is not at all unique or important to the album.



  1. NLP (0.16)
  2. Security (0.07)
  3. Backend (0.04)

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