Scaling Fleet and Kubernetes to a Million Clusters

By Rancher Labs - 2020-11-11


We created the Fleet Project to provide centralized GitOps-style management of a large number of Kubernetes clusters. A key design goal of Fleet is to be able to manage 1 million geographically distri ...


  • We created the Fleet Project to provide centralized GitOps-style management of a large number of Kubernetes clusters.
  • When we architected Fleet, we wanted to use a standard Kubernetes controller architecture.
  • If there is a very high change rate and listing takes long enough, you can easily get into a situation where you finish the list but can’t start a watch because the revision is not available in the API server watch cache or has been compacted in etcd.
  • In general, Kine is much less aggressive in how often it compacts.



  1. Backend (0.16)
  2. Frontend (0.08)
  3. Management (0.08)

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