How to Effectively Converse With Your Team in this Digital Age

By StartUp Mindset - 2018-10-03


Imagine that one day you’re running late to work due to your kid missing the bus to school. This is also the same day that you have an 8AM meeting with your team. As you rush around, trying to get you ...


  • Imagine that one day you’re running late to work due to your kid missing the bus to school.
  • In a way, texting is a sheepish way out of dealing with a situation that isn’t completely comfortable or easy to face head on.
  • Sometimes writing out what you want to say is not only more eloquent, but also leaves a trace of proof as to what was said about something at the workplace.
  • While it may not be rocket science to know which communication avenue to use with your employees, it still is one of the most important aspects in building rapport and professionalism with your team and within your company.



  1. Management (0.33)
  2. NLP (0.19)
  3. UX (0.06)

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