Clothes Classification with the DeepFashion Dataset and Fastai

By Medium - 2021-02-02


How to outperform the benchmark in clothes recognition with fastai and DeepFashion Dataset. How to use fastai models in PyTorch. Code, explanation, evaluation on the user data.


  • A story of how I started cleaning my wardrobe and ended up training a neural network The first of January is a perfect day to sort out your winter clothes.
  • In this article, I am writing about the approach that I took for creating my dataset, specifically how to recognize the clothes type of a random item.
  • Early Evaluation Early evaluation allows us to check the learning progress on the earlier stages and catch mistakes in our approaches before we spent a lot of time training the model.
  • Learning Rate Finder Now let’s go through the data in the DataLoader and gradually increase the learning rate with each mini-batch to observe how the value of loss changes with the change of learning rate.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.33)
  2. Backend (0.17)
  3. NLP (0.11)

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