Dual Contradistinctive Generative Autoencoder

By DeepAI - 2020-11-19


11/19/20 - We present a new generative autoencoder model with dual contradistinctive losses to improve generative autoencoder that performs s...


  • We present a new generative autoencoder model with dual contradistinctive losses to improve generative autoencoder that performs simultaneous inference (reconstruction) and synthesis (sampling).
  • However, the result of VAE/GAN is sub-optimal, as shown in Table 1.††* indicates equal contribution The pixel-wise reconstruction loss in the standard VAE [kingma2013auto] typically results in blurry images with degenerated semantics.
  • VAE/GAN [VAEGAN] adopts an adversarial loss to improve the quality of the image, but its output for both reconstruction and synthesis (new samples) is still unsatisfactory.
  • IntroVAE [huang2018introvae] adds a loop from the output back to the input and is able to attain image quality that is on par with some modern GANs in some aspects.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.53)
  2. NLP (0.18)
  3. Backend (0.18)

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