Why Use D3 for Data Visualization?

By opendatascience - 2021-02-07


This is like saying why eat burritos? Because they’re amazing!!! That’s why!!! OK, now some of you may be saying to yourselves, “Bill, I don’t like burritos. You’ve lost me.” First, I’m very sorry for


  • This is like saying why eat burritos?
  • Because they’re amazing!!!
  • OK, now some of you may be saying to...
  • This is like saying why eat burritos?
  • For instance, I’m creating hundreds of maps to play as a sequence, with 400,000+ dots per map, and this would be impossible to do as a live web-based D3 experience.



  1. Backend (0.31)
  2. Frontend (0.17)
  3. Database (0.17)

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