Natural Language Processing in the Browser

By Medium - 2021-01-13


How to build a serverless NLP chatbot for your website


  • How to build a serverless NLP chatbot for your website It is possible to build a chatbot for your own website without dependency on a third-party service like Dialogflow or Watson, and without a server.
  • The intent is a unique identifier of a conversation node, and its name should represent the intention of the user that the chatbot reacts to.
  • This is a more efficient approach because a corpus file is significantly smaller than the resulting model.
  • Using a browser-only solution gives certain advantages but also removes some opportunities, as you would still need some back-end solution in order to be able to record what users are talking about with your chatbot.



  1. NLP (0.28)
  2. UX (0.18)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.15)

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