Managing cybersecurity for your kids

By TechTalks - 2020-09-30


Technology is here to stay, and it continues to advance and grow all the time. Because of its prominent place in the world, it can seem like today’s generation is practically born with an iPhone in ha ...


  • Technology is here to stay, and it continues to advance and grow all the time.
  • Frequent grammatical errors Asking for money or information Links that direct them to the wrong site You can also teach them how to be cautious about how much information they share online.
  • If your kids are doing eLearning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are also some steps you can take, as a parent, to better protect your home network.
  • If you do that, combined with opening up to them about the importance of cybersecurity, you can keep them (and your whole family) more safe and secure online.



  1. Security (0.26)
  2. Backend (0.22)
  3. UX (0.16)

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