The data privacy Cold War is here. Which side are you on?

By VentureBeat - 2021-03-14


Apple and Facebook have marked out their data privacy battlelines, and the impact will be felt across the tech and business worlds.


  • The power of audio Join Transform 2021 for the most important themes in enterprise AI & Data.
  • If leaders aren’t comfortable telling consumers what the company is doing with their data, it’s time to rethink those practices.
  • There’s a misconception that Facebook is under scrutiny for using consumers’ data to target ads, but in fact it’s because the company historically hasn’t given its users any of this signage.
  • Finally, leaders can designate an executive privacy sponsor who advocates for user data privacy and holds leadership accountable to follow company privacy guidelines.



  1. Backend (0.33)
  2. Database (0.18)
  3. UX (0.14)

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