How to Become a Better Developer by Asking Questions

By Steve Gordon - Code with Steve - 2021-01-13


In this post, I explain why developers should feel empowered to ask questions and how doing so can make you a better developer.


  • It’s the beginning of a new year, so I wanted to open with a post that I’ve been planning to write for some time but never quite gotten around to creating.
  • It’s unreasonable and impractical to assume that all new senior hires will turn up on day one knowing everything.
  • I want to remind you that the person on the other end is human and has their own work and commitments.
  • As a developer, I prefer when someone asks me a question in this manner since interruptions when coding can be a real productivity killer if they occur at a crucial moment in some coding activity.



  1. NLP (0.15)
  2. Management (0.09)
  3. Coding (0.05)

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