Friendly Prefix IDs for Eloquent Models

By Laravel News - 2021-03-09


Laravel Prefixed IDs is a package by Spatie that automatically adds a friendly prefixed ID to Laravel models.


  • Laravel Prefixed IDs is a package by Spatie that automatically adds a friendly prefixed ID to Laravel models.
  • As Freek Van der Herten describes in his introductory post about this package, it provides human-readable prefixes to otherwise random IDs.
  • For example, you might give a token ID that contains a friendly prefix: token_sandbox_FKdleMEKfiemsiDSMEODL The token_sandbox prefix could indicate that it's a token for your sandbox environment, which would otherwise look like a random ID.



  1. Security (0.07)
  2. NLP (0.07)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.06)

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