Introducing Model Search: An Open Source Platform for Finding Optimal ML Models

By Google AI Blog - 2021-02-28


Posted by Hanna Mazzawi, Research Engineer and Xavi Gonzalvo, Research Scientist, Google Research The success of a neural network (NN) o...


  • Posted by Hanna Mazzawi, Research Engineer and Xavi Gonzalvo, Research Scientist, Google Research The success of a neural network (NN) often depends on how well it can generalize to various tasks.
  • In that case, Model Search can be configured to simply act as a powerful ensembling machine.
  • The main search algorithm adaptively modifies one of the top k performing experiments (where k can be specified by the user) after applying random changes to the architecture or the training technique (e.g., making the architecture deeper).



  1. NLP (0.29)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.23)
  3. UX (0.04)

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