Product Managers Can Avoid Delays By Reducing Technical Debt

By hackernoon - 2021-01-27


PMs are ideally placed to create a workplace culture around preventing and responding to technical debt. Here are 7 actionable strategies to help PMs.


  • Product managers have extensive knowledge and access to a company's different departments and stakeholders.
  • Bring technical debt out of the shadows Technical debt is ubiquitous and should be a part of every product meeting.
  • Make KPIs that reference technical debt Make the elimination of technical debt part of the means of tracking success within your organization.
  • If your company uses the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure customer loyalty, this could include feedback regarding delays in product fixes, bugs, etc.



  1. Management (0.44)
  2. NLP (0.05)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.04)

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