Python enumerate(): Simplify Looping With Counters

By realpython - 2020-12-15


Once you learn about for loops in Python, you know that using an index to access items in a sequence isn't very Pythonic. So what do you do when you need that index value? In this tutorial, you'll lea ...


  • In Python, a for loop is usually written as a loop over an iterable object.
  • >>> >>> print(values[0])a You can see in this example that accessing values with the index 0 gives the first element, a.
  • However, there are many times when you might not want the count from enumerate() to start at 0.
  • On the third line of check_whitespace(), enumerate() is used in a loop over lines.
  • For each elem in sequence, you yield control back to the calling location and send back the current values of n and elem.



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  3. NLP (0.07)

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