A guide to Motion Design principles

By Medium - 2020-12-02


Our world is one of movement. Even in still moments, leaves tremble and lungs expand. In the realm of digital product design, it would seem that motion is second nature, an extension of the everyday…


  • · A guide to Motion Design principles Motion has a profound impact on the user experience of digital products, but if interface elements don’t exhibit basic motion design principles, usability is undermined.
  • In the context of user interfaces, motion is more than a visual garnish.
  • This is especially helpful when the progression between UI elements is linked to a process with a start and a finish (e.g., downloading a file).
  • With zoom, the user’s point of view and the UI element remain fixed, but the element increases (or decreases) in size within the user’s screen.



  1. UX (0.5)
  2. Backend (0.04)
  3. Management (0.02)

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