MPNet combines strengths of masked and permuted language modeling for language understanding

By Microsoft Research - 2020-12-09


Pretrained language models have been a hot research topic in natural language processing. These models, such as BERT, are usually pretrained on large-scale language corpora with carefully designed pre ...


  • Pretrained language models have been a hot research topic in natural language processing.
  • The information usage of different pretraining objectives Next, we analyze how MPNet can avoid the disadvantages of MLM and PLM through case analysis.
  • 2019) 84.6 90.5 89.2 66.4 93.5 84.8 52.1 87.1 79.9 ELECTRA (Clark et al., It can be seen that removing position compensation, permutation, and output dependency all result in accuracy drop in GLUE and SQuAD, which demonstrates the effectiveness of MPNet on leveraging the position information of the full sentence and modeling the output dependency among predicted tokens.



  1. NLP (0.34)
  2. UX (0.05)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.01)

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