Docker Github Actions

By Docker Blog - 2020-09-22


Learn from Docker experts to simplify and advance your app development and management with Docker. Stay up to date on Docker events and new version announcements!


  • We have just released a V2 of our GitHub Action to make using the Cache easier as well!
  • Lastly in this I am also going to echo my image digest to see what was pushed.
  • The first thing I want to do is actually set up a Builder, this is using Buildkit under the hood, this is done very simply using the Buildx action.
  • Now we need to set up a second GitHub action file to store our latest commit as an image in the GitHub registry, you may want to do this to run your nightly tests or recurring tests against or to share work in progress images with colleagues.



  1. Backend (0.14)
  2. Mobile (0.11)
  3. UX (0.02)

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