Video Chatting and Screen Sharing with React, Node, WebRTC(peerjs)

By DEV Community - 2021-01-04


To create a video chatting and screen sharing application requires three major setup Basi...


  • Here our backend is running at port localhost 5000, as a response will be getting a unique id that will be used as a room id with upcoming steps.
  • We can specify the video frame rate in the navigator.
  • And the we will be setting newUserConnection(), where we will be sending our stream, if we are connecting to the existing room and also keeping track of the current peer connection by userID in peers Object.
  • 6) Now you need create a peerjs server by using following commands npm i -g peerjs peerjs --port 9000 Enter fullscreen modeExit fullscreen mode 7) Now in Room Component we need to invoke the Connection class to start the call.



  1. Backend (0.24)
  2. UX (0.2)
  3. Frontend (0.17)

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