Facebook’s Prophet + Deep Learning = NeuralProphet

By Medium - 2020-12-10


While learning about time series forecasting, sooner or later you will encounter the vastly popular Prophet model, developed by Facebook. It gained lots of popularity due to the fact that it provides…


  • Improving the interpretable Prophet model with the power of Deep Learning While learning about time series forecasting, sooner or later you will encounter the vastly popular Prophet model, developed by Facebook.
  • In this article, I give a brief introduction to what NeuralProphet is and how it actually differs from the classic library.
  • That means that a lot can still change and not all of the features from the original Prophet library are already implemented, for example, the logistic growth.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.25)
  2. Backend (0.16)
  3. NLP (0.12)

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