Is investing in 'deeptech' a good move for Europe's VCs

By Sifted - 2020-12-19


Policymakers, VCs and founders in Europe seem to have decided that we need deeptech. We don't — or at least, not for the reasons they think.


  • Policymakers, VCs and founders in Europe seem to have decided that we need deeptech.
  • In reality, many startups succeed at the early stage using technology that is subpar and/or non-differentiated: The answer is (not) deeptech According to these ‘deeptech’ proponents, one approach for Europe could be to develop new technological assets that will then be sold to foreign acquirers before even hitting the market.
  • The low hanging fruit of the consumer internet have largely been picked.



  1. Management (0.17)
  2. UX (0.13)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.12)

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