Linux malware backdoors supercomputers

By Help Net Security - 2021-02-02


ESET researchers discovered Kobalos, a malware that has been attacking supercomputers – high performance computer (HPC) clusters.


  • ESET researchers discovered Kobalos, a malware that has been attacking supercomputers – high performance computer (HPC) clusters – as well as other targets such as a large Asian ISP, a North American endpoint security vendor, and several privately held servers.
  • “ Perhaps unrelated to the events involving Kobalos, there were multiple security incidents involving HPC clusters in the past year.
  • We have named this malware Kobalos for its tiny code size and many tricks; In addition, in most systems compromised by Kobalos, the client for secure communication (SSH) is compromised to steal credentials.



  1. Security (0.21)
  2. Management (0.1)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.07)

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