Innovation Waves Will Power The Future Of Fintech. How Will You Stay Ahead?

By Forbes - 2021-02-06


Innovation is global. But what is under-appreciated are how the best ideas often emerge globally in waves. I call this the innovation supply chain. Fintech is at the forefront of this shift. To capt ...


  • But what is under-appreciated are how the best ideas often emerge globally in waves.
  • In the US, off the tailwinds of the rise of digital banking elsewhere, Chime (a portfolio company of the fund I work at) and others started to scale.
  • Affirm, which recently went public over $20b, was launched in the US in 2013.
  • For example, direct to consumer insurtech players like Lemonade (renters), Hippo (home) and Root (car) were built early in the U.S. but similar models are scaling around the world.



  1. Mobile (0.1)
  2. Stock (0.1)
  3. NLP (0.1)

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