What Is the Best Input Pipeline to Train Image Classification Models with tf.keras

By Medium - 2021-02-04


When we start learning how to build deep neural networks with Keras, the first method we use to input data is simply loading it into NumPy arrays. At some point, especially when working with images…


  • ?
  • Once the two parts of the dataset are finished, they are combined using the zip method, which is similar to the python function with the same name.
  • example of bad input pipeline, as presented by the profiler Another detail that seemed to make a good difference, especially when working with a TPU, is to parallelize the map method.
  • This is related more to the math behind neural network training than with data pipelines, but I saw an increase of 10 accuracy points just by shuffling the data correctly.



  1. Backend (0.39)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.22)
  3. Database (0.17)

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