Introduction to hierarchical time series forecasting — part II

By Medium - 2021-03-14


In the first part of this article, I provided an introduction to hierarchical time series forecasting, described different types of hierarchical structures, and went over the most popular approaches…


  • Example in Python using scikit-hts In the first part of this article, I provided an introduction to hierarchical time series forecasting, described different types of hierarchical structures, and went over the most popular approaches to forecasting such time series.
  • Image by the author Alternatively, we can use the HierarchyTree class to represent the underlying structure of our series.
  • That is why I present simplified examples, in which I use the entire data set for training and then forecast 4 steps (a year) into the future.
  • Example of one of the lowest level series using the OLS approach.



  1. Backend (0.14)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.11)
  3. Database (0.07)

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