Analytics Engineering at Spotify

By Medium - 2020-12-04


Peter Gilks &Paul Glenn


  • Peter Gilks, Senior Director of Insights, Spotify Advertising Since 2016 I’ve led the Insights team for Spotify’s advertising business.
  • Use our central position and knowledge of available data to coordinate and assist on cross-team projects Many analytics engineers at Spotify were data scientists at one point in their careers, and most still like to throw on their insights hat and dive into the data from time to time.
  • As an analytics engineer, I get to play both of those roles frequently.
  • And like a librarian works with a researcher to identify and retrieve resources, we analytics engineers can use our understanding of the data landscape to direct our stakeholders to the right resources to answer the pressing business questions they’re faced with.



  1. Backend (0.34)
  2. Database (0.19)
  3. Management (0.15)

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