Google Cloud announces Document AI Platform

By Google Cloud Blog - 2020-12-27


Document AI Platform is a unified console for document processing in the cloud.


  • Try GCP We believe that any company that has to manually extract data from complex documents at scale can greatly benefit from Google Cloud AI.
  • Transforming documents into structured data increases the speed of decision making for companies, unlocking measurable business value and helping develop better experiences for customers.
  • This is why Google Cloud has worked to help businesses use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate these processes, and why we’re excited to announce the new Document AI (DocAI) platform, a unified console for document processing.
  • First, you need to first create a document processor.



  1. Backend (0.3)
  2. NLP (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.16)

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