Making concurrent API calls in Node

By DEV Community - 2020-12-27


The problem When building up a backend API, it is common that we need to fetch data from a... Tagged with node, javascript.


  • The problem When building up a backend API, it is common that we need to fetch data from a third-party API, clean, format and merge them, and then forward it to the front-end.
  • The first thought I came up with is to generate an array that contains a range of dates.
  • Then I can do a forEach method or a for loop to iterate through the array and make API calls one by one, get the data, push it into a result array, and finally return the result to the front-end.
  • In this example, the method will be using is parallel, and it's mainly for flow control:



  1. Frontend (0.24)
  2. Backend (0.18)
  3. Security (0.09)

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