Tips to stay focused and finish your hobby project

By Stack Overflow Blog - 2020-12-03


The biggest roadblocks to finishing your hobby project aren't coding-related. They're mental.


  • Like many of you out there, I have a long list of cool hobby project ideas that I never actually start because of, you know, more important things (day job, life, parties on the weekend, etc).
  • You know statistics is considered boring by most people, so with this particular project, I made one of my tutorials a bit more interactive and exciting.
  • Find something (that sounds) simple I had a pretty clear idea what I wanted as an end-result for my hobby project.
  • I think the result page has some errors in calculating the EV though, or maybe there’s something I don’t get about the payout?



  1. Management (0.13)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.1)
  3. Backend (0.09)

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