How rental kitchen startup Karma Kitchen raised £252m when it set out to raise £3m

By Sifted - 2020-12-10


Kitchen rental startup Karma Kitchen has raised £252m to open up sites across the UK and Europe to cater for the huge boom in food delivery.


  • It’s one of several startups helping food businesses experiment with new revenue streams to stay afloat.
  • Eccie Newton, with her sister and cofounder Gini Newton More than one revenue stream Karma Kitchen has seen a big increase in demand over the last few months, says Newton — including from multinational food businesses.
  • Restaurants are seeing value in having a secondary site to diversify their revenue stream and tap into different parts of the market — whether that’s distribution, or delivery,” says Newton.
  • Kbox is currently working with 125 kitchens in the UK, and has another 175 in its pipeline.



  1. Management (0.28)
  2. Stock (0.14)
  3. UX (0.07)

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