By Responsible Web Applications - 2021-02-16


HTML and CSS Tips and Tricks for creating applications that are both responsive and accessible out of the box


  • The title for this page came from a slip of my tongue.
  • For this, I like to use a wrapper around tables and code examples which make them able to be scrolled horizontally when there is not enough space for them in the current layout.
  • In this case, the large table is shown within a container that fits within the viewport, and the user can scroll within that container in order to view all of the contents.
  • Setting focus correctly As long as you are writing only HTML and CSS, there isn't any good reason why you would want to mess with the focus within your webpage, because the semantics and structure of HTML is very well designed.



  1. UX (0.3)
  2. Frontend (0.22)
  3. Backend (0.08)

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