Why does it take so long to build software

By Simple Thread - 2020-10-16


Why does it take so long to build software? We hear variations of this question frequently: Why is building software so expensive? Why is my team delivering software so slowly? Why am I perpetually be ...


  • ?
  • In larger orgs you’ll mix in folks with even more specializations around security, architecture, data management, data science, etc… All of these extra roles allow us to build software at a larger scale, but the tools and processes required to orchestrate teams like these introduce a huge amount of accidental complexity.
  • This way of living means I cannot work as a member of a software development team.
  • The heart of the issue is Darwinian Evolution and the winnowing out of the herd of wonderful development tools and practices that are simple, clean, beautiful and numerous.



  1. Management (0.36)
  2. UX (0.08)
  3. Backend (0.07)

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