How This CEO Creates an Internal Culture With a “Crazy Focus” on Good Storytelling

By firstround - 2021-02-01


Want your startup to get better at telling compelling stories? Tactics for mastering art of storytelling internally


  • “Even though I always built products for marketers and for salespeople, I wasn’t a marketer or a salesperson.
  • Because when we have communication issues within the company or with our customers and prospects, it all comes back to the fact that we didn't spend enough time trying to understand the story.
  • We also do that in stories that we tell or in copywriting — we're always trying to figure out the hero’s path.” That seems simple, but it was a big way to get everyone to focus on one thing.



  1. Management (0.47)
  2. UX (0.09)
  3. Mobile (0.05)

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