Mastering PostgreSQL Tools: Full-Text Search and Phrase Search

By Compose Articles - 2017-07-25


In his latest Compose Write Stuff article on Mastering PostgreSQL Tools, Lucero Del Alba writes about mastering full-text and phrase search in PostgreSQL 9.6. Yes, PostgreSQL 9.6 has been finally roll ...


  • Yes, PostgreSQL 9.6 has been finally rolled out on Compose, and with it, a whole set of features and improvements.
  • Say you're searching for something like "jumping quickly" or "to jump very quickly", if you search for (jump & quick) with the techniques described so far you might find documents containing these words, but you'll get any random configuration within the document no matter if they are syntactically connected or not.
  • That is, searching for (jump <-> quick) is not the same as searching for (quick <-> jump) as the PostgreSQL engine will consider the order in which you're placing the words, so be careful.
  • while at the same time promoting original content or documents you deem more important for certain search terms.



  1. NLP (0.34)
  2. Database (0.13)
  3. Backend (0.04)

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