Time Series Forecasting with Deep Learning and Attention Mechanism

By TOPBOTS - 2021-02-04


An overview of the architecture and the implementation details of the most important Deep Learning algorithms for Time Series Forecasting.


  • This is an overview of the architecture and the implementation details of the most important Deep Learning algorithms for Time Series Forecasting.
  • Output Gate The third and final gate is the output gate, that decides the value of the next hidden state, which contains information about previous inputs.
  • At the end the tanh output with the sigmoid output are multiplied to decide what information the hidden state should contain.
  • Final Memory As the last step, the network needs to calculate h(t), that is the vector which holds information for the current unit and passes it to the next time step.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  2. NLP (0.12)
  3. Backend (0.09)

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