Setting up Storage for a Machine Learning Dataset | Stefan Pfaffel

By Medium - 2021-02-08


Machine learning projects need a scalable storage solution to support classification and learning and training. MongoDB is a popular database choice.


  • What I Learned Setting up Storage for a Machine Learning Project A journey towards a fast storage solution for a small-scale project It is amazing how far machine learning frameworks and technology, in general, have come and how fast we’re nowadays able to integrate machine learning features into applications.
  • As I’m currently building, a tool dedicated to the creation and scheduling of Twitter content, a.k.a.
  • If the tweets were stored in a database, I could randomly pick one without classification and update each individually.
  • At this moment, I was pleased with what I had achieved.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Database (0.25)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.21)

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