Up & Running with React, Redux Toolkit, Typescript and React Router

By DEV Community - 2021-02-28


In this article, we will learn how to use React, Typescript and Redux Toolkit together. The goal... Tagged with react, typescript, webdev, tutorial.


  • In this article, we will learn how to use React, Typescript and Redux Toolkit together.
  • The goal is to build a basic CRUD app called Library App where we store our book's authors and titles, and while doing so, I will demonstrate the ease of using Typescript with other technologies.
  • BookList.tsx import{Box,Button,Flex,Heading,Stack}from'@chakra-ui/react';import{Link}from'react-router-dom';import{useAppSelector}from'../hooks';importBookInfofrom'../components/BookInfo';constBookList=()=>{// If we had any other state like book, we could have select it same way we select book.
  • exportdefaultBookList;



  1. Frontend (0.25)
  2. Coding (0.11)
  3. Mobile (0.08)

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