Case Study: Meet PrivacyPerfect: Privacy bookkeeping for GDPR

By ArangoDB - 2021-02-28


PrivacyPerfect is a SaaS product that helps organisations comply with administrative obligations of the European Union’s GDPR.


  • Privacy bookkeeping for GDPR Meet PrivacyPerfect: This allowed them to speed up product development considerably, allowing them to better meet customer demand.
  • And, because they ended up modeling their data using graph in a schemaless database system, PrivacyPerfect now has more possibilities to build features that would have been difficult in the past.
  • Explore different data models When asked what advice he would give to someone just getting started with ArangoDB, De Vroed said, “Try to model your data in such a way that it fits a graph model, and build a prototype with real data to see if AQL can get out everything you need.”



  1. Database (0.35)
  2. Backend (0.3)
  3. Security (0.09)

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