15 common coding mistakes data scientist make in Python (and how to fix them

By Medium - 2020-12-15


I gradually realized in my data science career that by applying software engineering best practices, you can deliver better quality projects. Better quality might be less bugs, reliable results and…


  • ) I gradually realized in my data science career that by applying software engineering best practices, you can deliver better quality projects.
  • You don’t actually have to use capitalization, it is only a convention but it is a good idea to distinguish your “constants ” from your “regular” variables.
  • Statically checking your code is a nice and useful way for a pre-check before running it.
  • See an example below where the task is to list all months between two dates in a %Y%m format.



  1. Coding (0.19)
  2. Backend (0.18)
  3. Management (0.11)

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