Create Timeline with Reactjs and Contentful

By DEV Community - 2020-12-22


I saw @mikenikles 's article which was very impressive to me.... Tagged with react, typescript, contentful, cms.


  • Step2 Add sample data constitems=[{title:"May 1940",cardTitle:"Dunkirk",cardSubtitle:"Men of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) wade out to a destroyer during the evacuation from Dunkirk.
  • `},{title:"25 July 1940",cardTitle:"The Battle of Britain",cardSubtitle:`RAF Spitfire pilots scramble for their planes`,cardDetailedText:`After France’s surrender in June 1940, Churchill told the British people, “Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war”.
  • The first phase of the battle began on 10 July with Luftwaffe attacks on shipping in the Channel.
  • long text Step 4 Update react app In this step first, we need to create client.ts to access Contentful API via contentful npm package.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Frontend (0.21)
  3. Security (0.16)

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