What’s the difference between quantitative and qualitative research

By userzoom - 2020-12-02


Let's discuss quantitative and qualitative research, compare the pros and cons, and wonder what this has to do with Radiohead.


  • ?
  • Cons of quantitative research A large sample size is needed for any kind of statistical significance.
  • If you run a UX test on your website using a participant from one of our panels, you’ll receive videos of those tests in which you can see the user interact with your site and, crucially, you’ll hear their thoughts and feelings spoken out loud as they navigate.
  • Pros of qualitative research You’ll be inside the mind of the person using your product You should hopefully see things that quantitive data can’t reveal – for instance if there’s a page on your website losing traffic, you’ll be able to witness first hand what happens when a genuine user visits the page Participants may find it easier to reveal their feelings about something, rather than assigning a number or ticking a ‘yes or no’ box.



  1. UX (0.39)
  2. Backend (0.22)
  3. Database (0.12)

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