An introduction to object-oriented UX and how to do it

By Medium - 2020-10-21


Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) fell into my lap a couple years ago during a brief Lunch and Learn at work. At the time, I was still getting my feet wet in UX, but I knew this OOUX stuff was on to…


  • · An introduction to object-oriented UX and how to do it Well-defined leads to well-designed.
  • The objects of a problem space are the things that users are there to interact with.
  • Only managers and admins can see item quantities, (e.g.
  • “15 vanilla scones in stock”), but users will be able to see “out of stock” if true.
  • Starting the sketching phase with modules and cards means that you can plug in those mini-representations wherever you need to show nested objects.



  1. UX (0.32)
  2. Coding (0.17)
  3. Mobile (0.1)

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