The Coming Wave of ML Systems

By stanford - 2020-10-13


AI and ML products now permeate every aspect of our digital lives–from recommendations of what to watch, to divining our search intent, to powering increasingly-present virtual assistants in consumer


  • AI and ML products now permeate every aspect of our digital lives–from recommendations of what to watch, to divining our search intent, to powering increasingly-present virtual assistants in consumer and enterprise settings.
  • While quality improvements are the main focus of traditional ML and AI research, a second and arguably less well understood benefit of machine learning is that it can dramatically reshape the practice of building applications.
  • To understand what might be next, perhaps we can take a page from computing history?
  • The goal of this post is to introduce the Stanford MLSys Seminar Series to hopefully engage more of the community around ideas to build these systems.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  2. NLP (0.14)
  3. Management (0.11)

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