Using Chrome DevTools to debug CSS Grid

By LogRocket Blog - 2021-01-04


Using Chrome DevTools and CSS Grid, learn how to discover grids in a page, inspect page layout, and debug common layout issues.


  • Rob O'Leary FollowRob is a solution architect, fullstack developer, technical writer, and educator.
  • The second option in this section will highlight the overlay for the element in the webpage, and select the element in the Elements pane (as below).
  • In this context, it is just telling you the width and height of a grid item, which may span multiple rows or columns.
  • It doesn’t cause any shifting or resizing of the logo image (.header__logo) because its size is absolute, and it’s positioned at the start of the item.



  1. UX (0.28)
  2. Frontend (0.2)
  3. NLP (0.12)

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