Declarative and Scalable Testing With React Testing Library

By Medium - 2020-12-31


“All code is guilty, until proven innocent.” —  Anonymous


  • Let’s be honest, writing tests for your React components is probably not your favorite thing to do.
  • Another big reason I prefer using React Testing Library is because of the libraries philosophy which essentially states that your tests should resemble the way your users will interact with your app.
  • When one of your users is using your app they are not aware of the fact that they are interacting with state and props.
  • So, rather than testing whether or not the correct props or state were changed in your component, React Testing Library is designed in such a way that you have to test what your users are seeing and doing.



  1. UX (0.4)
  2. Frontend (0.24)
  3. Management (0.13)

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