A Guide to Securing Node.js Applications

By DEV Community - 2021-01-01


The one thing that developers tend to considers at the end of the development cycle is the “security”... Tagged with node, security.


  • The one thing that developers tend to considers at the end of the development cycle is the “security” of the application.
  • You can use the typecasting method to verify the type of data so that only the intended type of value should go into the database.
  • MemoryStore();// stores state locally, don't use this in productionconstbruteforce=newExpressBrute(store);app.post('/auth',bruteforce.prevent,// error 429 if we hit this route too oftenfunction(req,res,next){res.send('Success!');});//...
  • Secure Transmission using HTTPS It is 2021 and you must use HTTPS to send your data and traffic over the internet securely.
  • HTTPS is an extension of the HTTP protocol with secure communication support.



  1. Security (0.31)
  2. Backend (0.31)
  3. UX (0.23)

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