Want to learn D3? Let's make a bar chart!

By DEV - 2021-01-01


D3 is one of the most widely used JavaScript chart library out there. It is free, open-source, and wh... Tagged with javascript, d3js.


  • Let's make a bar chart!
  • letbars=chart.selectAll('rect.bar');// from chart, select all rect element with class bar in bars=bars.data(data1,d=>d.key);// bind data to the bars and save the selection Enter fullscreen modeExit fullscreen mode The .selectAll() method is similar to the .select() we have seen before.
  • Enter fullscreen modeExit fullscreen mode Setting attributes for the enter and update selection is actually the 5th optional step of the General Update Pattern.
  • Quick Summary of scale methods I have recap below the scale methods we saw in this section.



  1. Backend (0.34)
  2. Database (0.19)
  3. Frontend (0.13)

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