How to funnel user feedback into problem statements

By Medium - 2021-01-06


Problem statements. A magical concept in theory. A simple, concise, unbiased statement that allows for laser focus and cutting through the noise with pinpoint solutions…. In theory. But if you have…


  • When feedback comes from every direction.
  • HMW allow the user to experience the product faster (this is what the user actually wants) Think about a problem that you are trying to solve in your team and consider them from these angles and let’s let that marinate for a bit and we’ll come back to it later.
  • And here’s where you can follow the countless articles on how to write good problem statements.
  • So instead let’s connect every problem statement with a business problem… Business Problems Business problems should generally be set in long term cycles like OKR’s, V2mom’s or Quarterlies depending on how the company is structured but in an ideal world, they are expressed in the form of metrics.



  1. UX (0.38)
  2. Management (0.18)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.01)

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