The Cloud Native Landscape: The Orchestration and Management Layer

By The New Stack - 2020-12-15


This post is part of an ongoing series from CNCF Business Value Subcommittee co-chairs Catherine Paganini and Jason Morgan that focuses on explaining each category of the cloud native landscape to a n ...


  • The orchestration and management layer is the third layer in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s cloud native landscape.
  • While a service proxy is useful in and of itself, especially when driving traffic from the broader network into a Kubernetes cluster, service proxies are also building blocks for other systems, such as API gateways or service meshes, which we’ll discuss below.
  • API gateways allow developers to write and maintain less custom code (the system functionality is encoded into the API gateway, remember?).
  • With a service mesh, that logic is handled at a platform level.



  1. Backend (0.32)
  2. Frontend (0.19)
  3. Management (0.17)

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