How to Generate Earned Media for Your Startup

By StartUp Mindset - 2017-08-03


  I’ve heard the adage about all press being good press being twisted around to “no press is good press,” “even bad press is good press,” and my personal favorite, “press is press.” No matter how you ...


  • I’ve heard the adage about all press being good press being twisted around to “no press is good press,” “even bad press is good press,” and my personal favorite, “press is press.” If you choose to promote a tweet on Twitter, or sponsor a post on Facebook, you’ll increase your paid media any time someone clicks on your ads and is driven back to your e-commerce channels.
  • Doing your research will help you to identify which influencers and media platforms are the right fit.
  • Using the internal analytics that Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter provide will also provide you with the quantitative data you can use to benchmark your success during media campaigns.



  1. Management (0.12)
  2. Backend (0.1)
  3. UX (0.07)

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